Tips for a Healthy Workplace

Tips for a Healthy Workplace

Coworking Spaces, Open Areas, or Workstations are a good way to optimize space at the Office, but what happens during Flu season? Here’s some tips to help your employees stay flu-free and stay healthy.

  1. Set Up a Flu Shot Clinic in Your Workplace
    The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that everyone aged six-months and older get a flu shot. Create an environment where your employees are encouraged to be proactive about preventive healthcare. You can schedule on-site flu clinics, as well as promote and educate your employees about flu shots.
  2. Remind Employees to Wash Their Hands Frequently
    Make sure soap and water are available and even consider distributing alcohol-based hand sanitizers throughout the workplace. Employees can also use alcohol-based wipes to disinfect door knobs, phones and keyboards especially if there are shared workspaces.
  3. Educate Workers About Influenza Signs and Symptoms
    Post educational materials in your office break room. The CDC provides free materials that you can easily display and distribute in your office. To view the full list of flu symptoms, visit the CDC’s website. Caution your employees that the only way to truly know if they have the flu is to visit a doctor who can run the necessary laboratory tests.
  4. Allow Workplace Flexibility
    Technology makes it easier than ever for employees to work remotely, depending on their job function and remote capabilities. If an employee is sick, consider allowing them to work from home instead of using a sick day. You might also consider offering personal days for your employees to use for doctor’s appointments, checkups, attending kids’ activities, etc. Some employers are able to offer their employees “use as you need PTO” also known as unlimited paid time off. Ultimately, making your workplace flexible can help keep your employees happy and healthy (and also has a positive impact on your organization’s bottom line).
  5. Foster a Culture that Values Employee Wellbeing
    We all know that employees are more productive when they are healthy and happy. By creating an office culture where your employees feel comfortable staying home if they are sick, you’re showing them that personal health comes first. If your employees are feeling burnt-out, offer a “mental health” day to provide a chance to recharge and return to work refreshed. Encourage employees to leave early if they are sick. Allowing this flexibility can often result in a quicker recovery and keeps the rest of your employees from getting sick.
    (Tips Source: )

Z&Z Group Italian Office Furniture is a Miami based company with over 55 years of experience in the manufacturing of high quality modern office furniture for hotels, banks, residential locations, small and large corporate offices.

Our Miami office, which features a showroom, opened in 2001 and has its own inventory of modern office furniture in stock and ready to deliver. Z&Z Group also provides efficient space planning of office buildings in Miami and throughout the U.S.

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